Sunday, February 27, 2011

Online Film Analysis Assignment

Clip A Ocean's 11

This clip starts with everyone seated around a poker table. Since the conversation at the table goes back and forth between different characters, the shots had to match the eyelines of the people who were speaking. Eyeline matches are an example of continuity editing. This clip also uses shot/reverse shots frequently to show George Clooney and Brad Pitt calling bluffs.

Clip B Strangers on a Train

This clip is interesting because it takes place on a merry go round; it feels like its speeding up. The music being played by the merry go round is diegetic sound because the people on the ride can hear it. The fighting was showed in a medium shot, using close up's to show more emotion of the riders. I also felt the use of  coordination rhythm because the music made the ride feel faster the fighting more confusing.

Clip D from Magnolia

This clip is unique because it is a long shot. This means the camera follows the actors continuously with no cuts.I  liked the long shot because it leads you through the characters footsteps and makes you truly experience the film. It also uses nondiegetic sound. The string instruments playing in the background give the story a calming feeling. Also, a steadicam was used to follow the characters during the long shot. 

Clip E from Amadeus

This clip uses mental subjectivity because it goes into the old man's memory showing one of his achievements. It also uses a straight-on angle when the two characters are talking. I found the transition between current time and the opera scene from the past appealing because it was smooth and you barely noticed it.